After reading this article you may never step inside a skyscraper again. Maybe cigarettes should be banned in skyscapers from the possibility (that NIST has made us foolish mortals aware) of small fires causing an entire building's structural integrity to fail followed by a rapid, symmetrical, collapse. Why stop there? Maybe companies that specialize in controlled demolition better scrap incendiaries as the tools of the trade and start random small fires in buildings: they will save a bundle! Cha-ching$$$!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Fantastic Article on the NIST WTC 7 Report
After reading this article you may never step inside a skyscraper again. Maybe cigarettes should be banned in skyscapers from the possibility (that NIST has made us foolish mortals aware) of small fires causing an entire building's structural integrity to fail followed by a rapid, symmetrical, collapse. Why stop there? Maybe companies that specialize in controlled demolition better scrap incendiaries as the tools of the trade and start random small fires in buildings: they will save a bundle! Cha-ching$$$!